Naq balek!!

hmmmz... skrg ni iera msey at HBKL...
iera naq blek.... iera da xtahn naq dduk at cni agy...

In Hospital

huuh... Iera bru je lpas xcident...
xcident at jln genting... ngn akk akngkt iera..
skrg ni iera ad ad HBKL....
bru je pas opperate....
naq ngis aje ase....hmmzz
ok la...iera da xlarat...

Lovely Love Quotes

“Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is worth an age of dull and common life.” -Aphra Behn

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” -Dr. Seuss

“Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” -Robert Heinlein

“The art of love... is largely the art of persistence.” -Albert Ellis

“For you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” -Rosemonde Gerard

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” -Judy Garland

“If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a teardrop because I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.” -Author Unknown

“Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.” -Vincent van Gogh

“A life without love is like a year without summer.” -Swedish Proverb

“Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.” -John Lennon

“A true lover always feels in debt to the one he loves.” -Ralph W. Sockman

“Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.” -Author Unknown

“Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever.” -Author Unknown

“Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.” -Author Unknown

“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” -William Shakespeare

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” -Author Unknown

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” -Jalal ad-Din Rumi

“Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved.” -Victor Hugo

“Love is the only gold.” -Lord Alfred Tennyson

“To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.” -Karen Sunde

“When love is not madness, it is not love.” -Pedro Calderon de la Barca

“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” -Albert Einstein

“Many are the starrs I see, but in my eye no starr like thee.” -English saying used on poesy rings

“Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery


tension gler aq.... wifi at uma xley gne lak...arrgghh..
mksd kne pkai broadband la....eee..
da la broadband slow..hish...
ni yg naq mgamuk ni....

ase lapo dgr mama msak
"tom yam".... sedap....
k la... naq pi mkn jp..


bakar membakar...

skarang ni adziera at kmpg...
tgh bakar daging kuda...
xtau la sdap ke x?? sbb adziera xmkn daging...
hmm..tpi kn... xsyok sbb xramai sgt la....
xbest...if rmai... gerenti best....
sdey la...xdpt kmpul rmai2...
erm..adziera ase kn... ase nk panjat pokok la..
mcm zaman bdak2 dlu...
tpi adziera nk pnjat pokok manggis ke...rambutan ke...
best gak tu... "sambil menyelam minum air"
"sambil panjat pokok makan buah"
k la... adziera nk p pnjat poko dlu...
 bubbye... nnty kte story morry agy...
syg u all... mmmuuaahhh


waah....da lame xupdate kn...
rndu nye....
actually adziera xde cite naq kongsi an....
hey... u all da bwat persiapn untk skola next year x??
adziera blum agy.... maklumla...ayh blom gaji...
ase xde smngat la plak naq pegi skola...
ok la... adziera nk tgk movie...
nnty kte story morry agy k.

good luck for SPM Candidates

knpe aq??

knpe aq yg korg target??
maen tuduh je..
korg ade bukti ke aq yg bwat..
koe tau sdey bile dgr korg ckp aq mcm 2..
sumpah aq xbwat bnde 2..
xkn aq snggup malu kn cousin sndri..
korg da dewasa la...spatut nye fikiran korg
da la... aq mlaz naq tau psal idup korg agy..
mulai pda ary ni.. antra kta..dh xade ape2..

kt skolah

hahaha...da lem x update..
rndu palk an..hehe
skunk adziera kt skola..
da merdeka da pown..
now adziera n kwn2 adziera tgh happy go lucky
but.... adziera je yg sdey sbb Mr H mnyakitkn aty btul!!!!!!!!!!!
geram... bengang pown ade tau..
mcm org bodo je dye bwat aq...

k la...nnty iera tlis lgi..
so bubbye...


rndu gler at Mr H.. ( Hazzan Hanafi ) 3 arg dye xdtg skolh...
rndu gler bhai.... da la aq xdpt naq msg dye....aptah agy call...
jmpe pown ary 2 je mse 7 hb.... sdey sgt2...
hmz....sian at dye...bnyk org xske at dye tau...
xpi kte xtau ...cian at dye...
xpi xpe...kte an ade....
kte ske at dye...bkn stakat ske je...
syg pun ade...heheheheh
k je kte naq tulis...



aq naq kongsi kegembiraan aq ni...hehehe
ary rabu ary date an my love..
mkn2 at KFC....
perut tgh lapa jdi knyang ble tgk dye...
wah....tyme 2..than je yg tau...
happy nye aq...
love u MR H...
spew pke la sndri....
hahahaah...jgn mara


tdi dpt jgk jmpe my love kjap sbelum blek srwk...
yg lawak nye,.,FIZA,WANI,MIRA N NANA naq terjah
aq an my love...tpi xdpt...hahahhaa...last2..kena fiza kna mrh ngn ckgu Azlina...
sbb bwat bising tyme dak f5 exam....hahah cian dye....
tpi aq bhgia sgt2....wlaupun kjp....tpi dpt gak lpas an rndu...
hish..ble lgi aq naq bhgia cm ni....

kla...xtau naq cite pe agy...


Dear Dairy...

3 ary ni aq happy sgt an hanif...wlaupun dye mcm 2....dye brusaha untk bhagia an jmpe k'bhgiaan aq kmbali...tpi smpai bila??? aq b'hrap sgt p'kara 2 x t'jdi da ckup derita..da puas aq hdup m'derita...berilah aq k' x mnx ape2..cuma aq inginkn k'bhgiaan....itu je....tpi knpa...bila aq da bhgia....msty ade je halangn???knpe msty RAMPAS  k'bhgiaan aq! aq mmg xdpt maafkn org yg RAMPAS k'bhgiaan aq!! prinsip aq....KLAU AQ X PNAH GANGGU HDUP ORG..jgn pnh gnggu idop aq....tolong jgn jdi bodoh...tu je yg aq pesan,,,,sbb aq benci org mcm 2...aarrgghh....suda la...


eee....germ nye...
rse mlas naq g skolh...
ade je yg menyakit an aty...
da la PERAMPAS...
aq mmg benci org perampas...
if aq xkcau idop koe..xyah la kcau idup aq...

sdey yg teramat

wwaarrgghhh......sdey yg aq syg ilang....aarrgghhh..
naq m'berontak da ni.......eeee...
phon2 2 bru je aq beli....

 kumpulan nasyid Daerah Simunjan Sarawak

mlm gler2 pix cousin2 aq yg t'baek..
sume dgn gaya msing2..
hahaha..wlaupun kami sdey khilngn pknek t'syg....


aq xtau naq cite psal ape...
aq xde idea langsung..haahaha
sengal kn aq...heheeheh...tpi xpe..
esok aq blek smennjung...hmz..
sdey nye....harap2...raya dpt blek lgi...
k la...bubbye sume...


tahlil mlm ke-5

huhuhu...mlm tdi rse mcm naq pcah je perut aq..
suraya and her siblings molah suara chipmunks..hahah..
mcm2 laGU diorg bwat..heheheeh...sme lak 2..


pknek bru mninggl kn kami sekeluarga...bru je 2 ary blek srwk...
blek lgi ary ahad...
first aq msok mmg xdpt naq trima...
nsib ade kak amy,abg abby,pak uda,pak usu and sume la...

diorg la yg tnang an aq....
if diorg xde...mybe aq da gler....
esok pgi kubur arwah pknek...
aq mmg xsggup naq pgi...
tpi aq tbah kn aty untk pgi...

mama and ayh ngis...
aq xngis pun..sbb aq da tnam kn dlm dri...
aq xnaq ngis at dpn kubur pknek....
aq xnaq pknek sdih...
biar la aq simpan kesedihan aq...
biar aq sorg je yg rse...

ok xtau naq ckp ape lgi....

untuk arwah pknek tersyg..



Adziera Alfred
Ahmad Nadzirul Syafiq

boring glew

tension idup aq...
t'pkse blakon at someone ni...

for Nadzirul:
koe syg tang moe Ahmad Nadzirul Syafiq bin Yahaya...
koe rindu tang moe..

bhase melanau meyh...hope u pham k..

wajah baru

heheh...cantek x blog kte??
haha.... kwn kte yg bwat...
nme dye Fara Ezaty....
dye ni mmg kreatif glew...
hehehe... kte ske tgk blog dye...
org nye pown cantek....

heehe.... by the way...

thnx FARA !

demam suda!

uhuhuhu....merane btol lau demam ni...
arrgghhh..tension..asl demam je...msty naq mam ubt

lau xmkn ubt...xbley ke???
hish....benci tol mam ubt...
lau mnis xpe larh...
ni pahit naq mmposs....


mmber aq

ni mmber aq...
nme dye Syafa Ammar Bin Ismail...
huhuhu...dlu aq ske at dye..dri form 1 agy...
mmg aq ske glew arh at dye...

bru skunk aq jmpe dye agy... dowh....hahahahaaha


knpe aq akn khilangn dye..
kdang2 aq t'pke...ape slh aq....
ape silap aq???
adkh aq pntas untk dye??
aq cme naq hbungn yg kekal untk slamenye...

tpi dlm p'hbngn sndri t'seksa...
aq sndri xtau.....
seumur hdup aq....
aq xpnah mrasa kn kbhgiaan dri seorg lelaki...
knpe nsib aq mcm ni???
ape silap aq????
ape dosa aq??

rndu cgt..

towk gerek aq...
nma nya.. Ahmad Nadzirul Syafiq bin Yahaya..
kenek nang syg an nya sowg jawk

p dlm 2-3 ary sik msg nya..
rndu bh....

herm.... misz u so much b!


waarrgghhhhh...tension nye..
mmg bowink naq mmpos..
uhuhuh.....da la xde krdt..
huhuhu..naq mati je rse nye

eeeee....benci nye!!!!

Kisah aq

Masa mula2 kta couple pda 23 November 2009 adq rse bhgia sgt...sbb abg la cinta pertama adq..dan slepas itu kta slalu call... shingga buka skolh...smpai adq xdpt pkai phone ...tyme tu...cma 1 cara je yg adq abg pkai phone rmh...adq cba dail no phone abg..akhrnya dpt..dn slps itu..kta slalu call...shingga kn bil mencecah RM300..tpi adq xkesah...sbb adq sggup wt ape je untk abg..dn slpas itu..adq ulangi p'buatan abg smpai bil melinjak naik..shinggkan ayh dan mama dpt tau..mse 2...ayh mra sgt..dan mama call abg spaya jgn gnggu adq lgi..slpas tu ..adq mnta maaf dgn mama dan ayh...mama n ayh maafkn..tpi adq dpt tau yg mama call abg..dan mara abg..adq trus on9 kt ym..adq nmpk abg on9..adq trus mnta maaf..tpi abg ckp.. "smpai disini sja hbungn kita..mulai pda saat ini..kta lngsung xde hbunngn ap2..lgi"..mse 2... adq rse naq mati je...sbb adq xmmpu hdup tnpa abg..adq trus mrayu dgn mama spya mama trik blek kata2 mama..dan akhirnya..mama stuju..mama call abg...mama mntk maaf kt abg...dan mama suruh abg pjuk adq..dan aq trus pujuk adq..abg ckp.." maafkn abg k..laen kali abg xbuat lgi..jnji" mlm 2 adq happy sgt...bla msuk je bln 4 2010..adq dpt tau..abg msey couple ngn kak elyana..adq rse dri adq t'cbar..adq mmberontak...tpi afdq lngsung xdpt ape2..adq cuba b'saba dan akhrny adq b'trus trang dgn kak elyana yg adq gf abg jga..mse 2 dye mrh sgt...tpi akhrnya..dye maafkn adq... mse 2 adq pke cme 1...adq naq undr dri...tpi kak elyana halang...dye ckp.. " jgn menyeksa hati dan prasaan..akq redha dan benarkn adq couple dg n ikmal...asalkn org yg kta syg bhagia.."tyme 2 adq rse kak elyana adlh org yg pling baek skli...adq happy sgt...tiba2 adq dpt 1 msg dripda abg pda pertghan bln 5 2010..abg ckp.maafkn abg..sbb tpu bby..sbnarnye abg cma mreka crit YG ABG SKIT..." tyme 2 adq rse happy pun ade sdey pown ade...adq happy sbb abg x skit..adq sdey sbb abg tpu adq kali yg kedua...tpi adq xkesah..sbb adq...syg sgt2 kt abg...mlm 2 jgk adq call abg...adq ckp.."kta lpakn sja hal 2..dan kta bka buku khidupan yg bru..." kte nyaris2 naq ptus kali kedua...tpi t'nyata..rayuan adq b'jya..alhamdulillah...tpu hujung bln 5 2010...kak elyana antr msg..dye ckp.."tahniah...sbb awk jdi plihan hati ikmal...smoga b'bhgia..adq rse serba slh...sbb adq da ambk hak org...tpi sumpah...adq lngusng xde niat naq wt mcm tu...akhrnya adq mrayu dgn kak elyana spaya memaafkan adq..dye maafkn ...syukur alhamdulillah...lega rsenya..tyme bln 7 2010..birthday adq...(26/07/95)..aBG org pertama yg wish happy birthday kt adq...adq happy sgt mlm tu..trima ksih abg...tpi sblum tu...abg sempat ckp..lau rndu kt abg...pejamkn mata bby...dan byangkn abg disbelah bby...huh...bile smpai je birthday abg.. (13/10/94) adq plak yg wish birthday kt abg..tpi bkn org yg pertama...itu oleh krana adq naq call abg..abg bz sgt..tpi adq xkseh...sbb adq tau...abg wt party...msti bestkn tyme tu...shingga lupakn adq...tpi xpela...hal kecik je tu...tpi mse 2...abg dpt free call..sminggu..dlm sminggu 2...abg xpnah lpe untk call adq...bley d'kira 24 hour...adq lngsung xpnat naq lyaN ABG...sbaliknya..adq bhgia sgt...ttpi kbhagiaan untk adq hnya smentra...unjung bln 10..abg brubh..abg gitau...yg abg bkn llki baek untk adq...abg trus trang dosa yg pnah abg lalkukan slma ni..akhrnya,,adq pown critakn hal yg sbnar..pda mulanya..abg dpt trima..tpi akhrnya...abg lngsung xdpy trima..oleh krna kcewa dgn adq..pda mlm 2..abg mntk putus ngn adq...adq xnaq..adq xrela..tpi adq t'pksa akur..sblum tu...adq tuntut jnji yg pnah abg taburi.iaitu... xkn tggalkn adq...abg trus naikn...dan m'jdikn adq sbgai adq angkt abg...tibe2 je kradt adq hbis...xlme lpas 2...abg call blek pkai phone rmh..kta2 terakhr abg untk adq sblum b'gelar adq angkt abg ialah..." I LOVE U SO MUCH BBY! " trus abg ltak..sdey adq ble dgr abg ckp cm2...dan kali terakhr adq call abg..pda pertghan bln 3 2011..cuma 1 yg adq mahu abg tau...adq xkn pnh lupakn abg...dan ttap sygkn abg sorg jer....


Happy Sgt!

happy sgt smejak aq couple an lelaki y b'nama "AHMAD AZIM UDDIN"
bhgia rse mcm ngn Abg Ikmal dlu...bhagia sgt..
xtau naq ckp pe...huuhuh..


ape slh aq

hey,,pa slh aq ngn koe hah??
pahal family koe nuduh aq dakya??

koe pke aq mpuan murahan ka???

kenek towk aq nang bencik koe!'
nang bencik!

rndu pa!

pa,phal towk???knak ma call xangkt??
ma mowk tauk jawk yg pa dh sampey kuching or x..
ma rndu pa ilak2...msg ma pun pa x reply...phal towk???

huh....mcm2 mslah ari ni..fb lgi 1 xley bkak...
call kairul xangkt.......hmz....
tension nye....
gampang tol...
internet ni pown lembab thap cipan....

aaaarrrggghhhhhh.....babi nye.......asal sume mslh
dtg at aq.....ape slh aq hah???


eee...GERAM yg nk berhantu ni..
tetibe je crik knl pown x....
geramnye!!!!!!.....rse nk pijam je muke pompuan tu..

muke nmpk lawa...prangai mcm kimak!.
tetibe je nk sabotaj aq..
beramboss. aq ko..
mati kang aq keja kn nnti...
bodo nk mmpos...xde otak...
mak bpak xajar...
pompuan xgune..
mati lgi elok..
menyusahkn owg je
setan...ape prangai tu nenek ko ajar ke..
biadap tol!



knpe aq rse sdih sgt hah...
knpe aq rse snyi...
pdahal aq langsung xde felling ngn dye..
p knpe aq rse sdih mcm ni....
aq da syg kt dye ke???
aaahhh....x mngkin la....
tpi mgkin aq da mle syg kt dye...
aduh..mcm mn ni....
abg ik mcm mne??
aq da ckp kt dye yg aq akn tggu dye smpai bile2..
aq just syg kt dye.....


rndu cgt an adik angkt aq...
adq mieyn....rndu nar akk ngn adk...
sume aq rndu...

-rndu an abg ik
-rndu ngn adq mieyn
-rndu an kairul
-rndu an fiqri..
-rndu an owg srwk...

waaarrrgggghhhhh.....ikutkn nk jmpe diorg sume
....hmz..tensio nye,,,,,

coming home

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming


Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong
(I'm back baby)
I feel like there's nothing that I can't try
And if you with me put your hands high
(put your hands high)
If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
And you, the dreams are for you

I hear "The Tears of a Clown"

I hate that song
I feel like they talking to me when it comes on
Another day another Dawn
Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I'm gone
What am I 'posed to do when the club lights come on
Its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean
What if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
How do I respond?
What if my son stares with a face like my own
And says he wants to be like me when he's grown
Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
Another night the inevitible prolongs
Another day another Dawn
Just tell Taneka and Taresha I'll be better in the morn'
Another lie that I carry on
I need to get back to the place I belong

[Dirty Money - Chorus]

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming


"A house is Not a Home", I hate this song
Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it

[ From: ]

And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
But you felt it and still feel it
And money can't make up for it or conceal it
But you deal with it and you keep ballin'
Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin'
Baby we've been living in sin 'cause we've been really in love
But we've been living as friends
So you've been a guest in your own home
It's time to make your house your home
Pick up your phone, come on

[Dirty Money - Chorus]

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming


"Ain't No Stopping Us Now", I love that song
Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
I thought I told y'all that we won't stop
We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
It's what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
Drove me away than embraced me
Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
Welcome to my homecoming
Yeah it's been a long time coming
Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
Thankyou Lord (Thankyou Lord)
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming

Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong
(I'm back baby)
I feel like there's nothing that I can't try
And if you with me put your hands high
(put your hands high)
If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
And you, the dreams are for you

I hear "The Tears of a Clown"
I hate that song
I feel like they talking to me when it comes on
Another day another Dawn
Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I'm gone
What am I 'posed to do when the club lights come on
Its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean
What if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
How do I respond?
What if my son stares with a face like my own
And says he wants to be like me when he's grown
Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
Another night the inevitible prolongs
Another day another Dawn
Just tell Taneka and Taresha I'll be better in the morn'
Another lie that I carry on
I need to get back to the place I belong

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming

"A house is Not a Home", I hate this song
Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it

[ From: ]

And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
But you felt it and still feel it
And money can't make up for it or conceal it
But you deal with it and you keep ballin'
Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin'
Baby we've been living in sin 'cause we've been really in love
But we've been living as friends
So you've been a guest in your own home
It's time to make your house your home
Pick up your phone, come on

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming

"Ain't No Stopping Us Now", I love that song
Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
I thought I told y'all that we won't stop
We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
It's what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
Drove me away than embraced me
Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
Welcome to my homecoming
Yeah it's been a long time coming
Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
Thankyou Lord (Thankyou Lord)

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming

[Dirty Money - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming

kisah hidup seorang Anak tunggal

nama aq lahir 26 julai 1995...
sbenarnya aq nk crita tntng khidupan aq seorg ank tunggl...
sesetngh org ckp.ank tggal ni best..bley dpt ape yg diorg nk...manja...hurm..
tpi aq x...sbaliknya...ape yg aq wt sume nye slh...pdaal msalh tu kecik je..
parenz aq anggp tu msalh yg bsar sgt..kdang2 aq sdih jgk..yela....
aq xtau gak yg kna mrh...pdahal tu slh gk yg kna..
aq xtau dkat spe aq nk luahkn prasaan....dulu abg ikmal ade..tpi skunk...
huh,,,,aq rse abg ikmal da jauh dri hdup aq..
ya allah..ape nsib ingin mrasa kn kbhagiaan..bkn penderitaan...
hurm...tabahkn hati ini tuhan.....

kdang2 aq rse mnyesal nk hdup...sume yg aq buat...
sume nye cube wt yg t'baek..
tpi knapa diorg x pham???? knpe sume org pham ape yg t'sirat kt aty aq???

adkh diorg tau..apkh mkna dri senyuman aq tu??
aty aq sakit,perit....pedih...xde sape yg tau..wlaupun mama dan ayah..
diorg x pnah tau ape yg t'sirat dlm aty aq...

spanjang aq hdup slame 16 taun..mama n ayah xpnah tnya ape msalah aq..
hurm..apelh nsib cemburu tgk org laen...

ENTAH LAA........


akhir cinta liya

Bertemu semula dengan Liya,
gadis idamanku zaman remaja,
setelah lama terpisah tak ku sangka bertemu jua,
akan ku hargai nikmat cinta,
jika ditakdirkan kita bsama,
padamu kuserah jiwa seharum mawar untukmu Liya...

Dikota indah,mentari diufuk jingga,
ku terima panggilan sblum purnama menjelma,
entah dimana,suara lembut pernah ku dgr,
lantas tiba2 hatiku mula berdebar,hai nak tumpang tnya,
nombor ini siapa yg punya,terus dia pknalkan diri sbgai liya,
ya tuhan!adakah doaku Kau perkenankan,
utk btemu liya bgiku ke ajaiban,wei knapa diam,
can i speak to nono,
atleast ckap manalah tau mybe tersalah nombor,
sah memang benar dia adalah liya,
tak terasa d p.p ku menitiskan air mata,yes im nono,
and im the one that u looking 4,
how amazing that we meet again after a years ago,
liya menjerit mangis tlalu gmbira cinta yg lama tpsah kini bersua..

tak ku sangka,kita berdua bertemu,di sini,
setelah berpisah tak jemu menunggu, menanti
kau masih yang dulu seayu puteri kayangan,
ingin hidup bersamamu walau sekadar bayangan,
kau untukku,dan cintaku hanyalah milikmu,
setiap ruang di hatiku tulis hanyalah namamu,
bagai pengembara tersesat di hutan yang gelap,
kaulah rembulan menerangiku setiap saat,
kau sentuh bibirku pintaku berhenti memuji,


lerat ku tangis tak henti2,
ku tanya mengapa kau patut rasa gembira,
mungkin sudah ditakdirkan jodoh di antara kita,
kau angkat kepalamu renung tepat ke mataku,
air mata berlinangan lalu kau usap rambutku erh,
sebentuk cincin tersarung di jari manisnya,
ku hanya mampu tersenyum menangis tak berair mata...

dan hari itu aku baca puisi di depan nya,
puisi yang pernah lahirkan rasa cinta kami berdua,
masihkah kau ingat kita pernah lafazkan janji?,
kan setia bersama berdua hingga ke mati,
dan mengapa kini kau khianati janji kita?
betapa ku di sini menanti penuh setia,
kau kata maafkan aku ku tak sanggup menunggu,
dan ku fikir kita tak mungkin lagi kan bertemu,
tak mengapa liya,mungkin itu bukanlah salahmu,
namun apa yang pasti kau bukanlah lagi milikku,
satu yang ku pinta jangan pernah ingat kan aku,
ku mahu kau bahagia dan setia pada cintamu....

bahasa iban

  • Makan - makai
  • tidur - tinduk
  • sampai - sangkai
  • lari - berlanda
  • nasi - asi
  • sayang - sayau
  • kekasih - sulu
  • ayah - apai
  • ibu - indai
  • sembunyi - belalai (bkn belalai gajah) T_T
  • lapar - lapar
  • nama awak siapa - sapa nama nuan
  • dah makan ke belum? - dah makai ke bedau?
  • belum - bedau
  • sekolah - sekula
  • bas - bus
  • kapalterbang - bilun
  • air - ai
  • perempuan - indu
  • lelaki - lelaki
  • jalan - jalai
  • berjalan - berjalai
  • mati - parai (mikel jickson udah parai)
  • cuba - uji
  • bagitau - madah
  • sembahyang - sembiang
  • naik - niki
  • balik - pulai
  • komputer - kempita
  • cincin - tincin
  • pingan - pingai
  • cium - sium
  • cinta - pengerindu / bersulu
Saya nak pergi ke pasar ikut boyfriend i.
Aku deka ngagai pasar enggau sulu aku.

Saya cintakan awak.
Aku sayau ke nuan.

Jom kita kawin sekarang.
Aram tua kawin diatu.

Dah mandi ke belum.
Udah mandi ke bedau.

Aduh.. saya sakit perut.
Akai... aku pedis perut.

Mak, saya nak makan.
Indai, aku deka/kak makai.

Ayah, minta duit sikit.
Apai,minta duit mimit.

Angkat jemuran, hujan sudah turun .. hihihii
Angkat kain jembi , ujan udah laboh.. hihihihi

Anak kucing kawan saya dah mati.
Anak mayau kaban aku udah parai.

Hensemnyer dier....
Sigatmai ia...

Cantiknyerr dierr..
Bajikmai ia..
B.M : Jom, minum petang!
Iban : Aram, ngirup lemai!

B.M : bangun pagi
Iban : Dani pagi

BM : Balik dulu
Iban : Mupuk dulu

BM = B.I
bersembang = berandau

cari = ngigak

manah = bagus

pengajar = cikgu

bub = buku

mending = dengar

medak = tengok

ngabang - berkunjung

ngirup - minum

makai - makan

gerai - sihat

nyamai - sedap

nama pemanjai pembaris tok? = berapa panjang pembaris ni?

cantik (prety) = bajik.
suka(cinta) = ka (contoh : Aku ka ke nuan (Aku cintakan awak)
wanita(pompuan) = indu
punya pacar = bisi pengerindu hati/bisi pangan.
sakit hati = tusah hati(susah hati)=pedih ati.
patah hati= putus ati.
umur berapa= songsangkan saje =berapa umur.
kapan menikah= kemaya melah pinang
sudah mandi= udah mandi
kenapa masih bau= nama kebuah agi berbau/ lapa agi bisi bau.
senang jumpa dengan kau-rinduk betemu enggau nuan.

1. saya tidak puas hati dengan kamu? = Aku enda puas ati enggau nuan/palak nuan.
2. tolong jangan buat lagi = Minta anang bekenyak agi.
3. terima kasih kerana tolong saya = terima kasih laban nulong aku.

da.................. itu sahaja ok... kalau nak lagi sila tinggalkan komen dibawah... "Aku sayau ke nuan"

Sakit gigi.
Pedis ngeli.

mencintaimu sampai mati

Gm C F DM Gm A
Dalam sepi engkau datang
Beri ku kekuatan
tuk bertahan

Kau percaya
Aku ada
Kau yang aku inginkan

Reff :
Dm Gm C A
Kau adalah hatiku
Kau belahan jiwaku
Seperti itu ku mencintamu
Sampai mati

Dm Gm C F Dm Gm A
Di hidupku yang tak sempurna
Kau adalah hal terindah yang ku punya

Kembali ke Reff 3x

Dm Gm A Dm
Seperti itu ku mencintamu
Sampai mati...

nk or x???

bln 3 ni ade pgambilan kt MTD(maktab Tentera)
..nk gi ke xnk..lau aq pgi..ujung taun bru aq dpt blek...
.p klau aq xpgi...sume cite2 aq slame ni...hancur...
nk pgi ke xnk yea...nnti aq rndu kt abg ikmal n fiqri..
..hurm...ssah mne ni???bingung.......
aarrgghhhh...mcm mne ni..pning kpale aq.....

Kalau Cinta

Aliff Aziz
Di lubuk hatiku
Adalah kamu
Sebagai ratu


Seluruh Jiwaku
Hanya dirimu
Yang aku mahu


T’lah ku percayakan
Hati ini padamu
Maka kita tak saling risau,risau,risau,risau

Kalau cinta jangan kacau

Kalau sayang tak perlu marah
Kalau ikhlas tak minta berbalas
Serahkan cintamu
Pada yang punya cinta


Di lubuk hatiku
Adalah kamu
Yang aku perlu

Aliff Aziz

Seluruh Jiwaku
Hanya dirimu
Yang aku mahu


Senyum senyum senyum
Senyum senyum


Kacak luar
Kacak dalam
Kacak dengar sini
Kalau saya senyum
Awak mesti senyum sekali
Kalau kita senyum
Semua orang berjangkit
Bila semua orang senyum
Dunia tiada penyakit


Tak perlu kata apa-apa
Tak perlu kata apa-apa
Tak perlu kata apa-apa
tak perlu kata apa-apa

Akhirnya sempurna tiga album pertama
Bunyi macam koleksi hits terbaik orang lama
Dah ku kata ku takkan henti sampai tua bangka
Kalau habis abjad aku rap dengan angka
Satu dua tiga anugerah diterima
Oh itu tahun lepas tahun ini cuma dua
Tersenyum tiap kali kalah dengan Nurhaliza
Ditertawakan oleh anakku Inca Medina

Oh Inca Medina orang secantik nama
Cantik luar cantik dalam cantik macam mama
Hati macam grandmanya anginnya macam papa
Kalau dah merajuk nampak muncung sampai sana
Sebelum jadi drama dah tahu nak buat apa
Nyanyi balik lagu ayat lama ayat mama
Wanita hari ini jaga sensitiviti
Kalau buah hati merajuk boleh cuba ayat ini

Ay cantik luar cantik dalam cantik dengar sini
Kalau cantik senyum cantik mesti cantik lagi
Senyum sikit nak tengok ada tak lesung pipit
Kalau tak ada pun aku masih mahu cubit

Ulang Verse
Ulang Chorus

Ay buai tinggi-tinggi sampai ke puncak awan
Dengan kumulus dan nimbus aku berkawan
Aku bukan rupawan aku bukan jutawan
Tapi aku punya satu senyuman yang menawan

Baru mukadimah nampak macam sudah tertawan
Dengar kata hati perasaan jangan dilawan
Kalau takut mula-mula kita boleh berkawan
Duduk dulu biar ku belanja kopi secawan
Apa rasa sentiasa jadi bahan perhatian
Apa rasa jadi cantik kacuk cina pakistan
Apa rasa jadi seksi suka tak diperhatikan
Apa rasanya terima bertubi-tubi puji-pujian

Tu boleh pun senyum cantiknya gigi
Sepuluh markah penuh seharusnya ku beri
Wanita hari ini harus pepandai puji
Kalau dia jual mahal boleh cuba lagu ini

Ay cantik luar cantik dalam cantik dengar sini
Kalau cantik senyum cantik mesti cantik lagi
Senyum sikit nak tengok ada tak lesung pipit
Kalau tak ada pun aku masih mahu cubit

Disaat Aku Mencintaimu

Mengapa kau pergi, Mengapa kau pergi
Di saat aku mulai mencintaimu,
berharap engkau jadi kekasih hatiku,
Malah kau pergi jauh dari hidupku,

Menyendiri lagi, Menyendiri lagi,

Di saat kau tinggalkan diriku pergi,
Tak pernah ada yang menhiasi hariku,
Di saat aku terbangun dari tidurku,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,

Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencintai dirimu,
Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta…….

Menyendiri lagi, Menyendiri lagi,

Di saat kau tinggalkan diriku pergi,
Tak pernah ada yang menhiasi hariku,
Di saat aku terbangun dari tidurku,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,

Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencintai dirimu,
Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,
Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta…….

Semoga engkau kan mengerti, tentang perasaan ini

Maaf ku telah terbuai, akan indahnya cinta
Maaf sungguhku tak bisa, untuk kembali padamu
Maaf ku telah terbuai, akan indahnya cinta

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku,

Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku

Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta,

Aku inginkan diri mu, datang dan temui aku

Kan ku katakan padamu, aku sangat mencinta

New Person

his name is Fiqri....16 years old..
he is my new person in my life...
but..huh....oh me..
please help me.....
"b...i'm sorry...cyg x b'mksd nk mrh b...
cyg cume nk b care sal cyg..mcm abg ik...
cyg nk b cm dye...p sbalik nya..b wt cyg kecewa...
cyg kecewa bab b krm slm maut kt cyg..
sdangkn cyg krm slm syg kt b...knpe wt cyg mcm ni hah!!!!
cyg da mule syg kn b...p b wt cyg benci kt b...knpe b??ape slh cyg kt b??"
hmz.....ptut ke aq b'saba or mengakhiri hbungn yg bru b'mula ni.....

Sharing is caring ^_^

My Anniversary with Muhd Afif Amirul

Daisypath Anniversary tickers